Friday, February 25, 2011

pre•ven•tion - pri-ven-shuh n – Verb- 1. the act of preventing; effectual hindrance.

Preventing substance abuse isn’t an accident, it is a deliberate, identification of a problem to hinder the impact. 
All of that just to say…. 
It’s Springtime and with that comes a host of opportunities to do alcohol and drug prevention.  St. Patrick’s Day, Graduations, Proms, Spring Break, and Mardi Gras bring images of alcohol abuse along with accidents, fights, violence against women, car accidents, etc. 
Now is the time for deliberate action to effectively hinder the devastating byproducts of substance abuse.
·         Plan drug free events as a safe alternative to planned drinking events.
·         Talk with people before binge drinking events about the dangers and consequences of drinking and drugs.
·         Talk with women and girls about safety plans.
·         If you’re hosting an event provide non-alcoholic alternatives.
What are some other ways to prevent problems on your Spring social calendar?  Add them here.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Gifts of Recovery

 Recovery is a miraculous event.  There are many ways people seek help with substance use disorders.  At First Call we provide resources for individuals to find the right path for recovery, provide families a program to help them heal, and professionals are trained with tools necessary for successful treatment.
 People work hard to become contributing citizens of their community.  Families are reunited, health is restored, and spirits are lifted!  Here is a story of how well recovery works. 

Do you have a story to tell?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Songs of Addiction and Recovery

Watching Eminem singing Not Afraid at the Grammy Awards started us thinking, "What other songs are out about addiction and recovery?" List your favorite song about recovery from addiction.  If you choose, tell us what it means to you. 
Shine Down
Save me
Guns and Roses
Mr. Brownstone
Nikki Sixx
Life is Beautiful