Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Giving Up Smoking Linked To Greater Happiness And Elevated Mood

It appears to be a myth that giving up smoking makes you miserable. Brown University researchers found that those who were in the process of quitting smoking were never happier. 


A research team examined data on 236 male and female smokers who wanted to give up.  Of those candidates:
·         99 failed straight away (never abstained)
·         44 were only found to be smoking free during their first evaluation after the quit date
·         33 abstained successfully right up to their 8-week check-up
·         33 abstained throughout the whole period of the study
·         29 did not exhibit difficulties usually associated with quitting smoking.
Who would have guessed....?

·         The participants who failed straight away were still followed up throughout the study and were found to be the unhappiest of all the groups.

·         Those who quit for a while were very happy during the check-ups when their smoking cessation was being successfully carried out.

·         The ones who managed to abstain throughout the study period had the highest levels of happiness.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the slow down period and all I feel is an increase in my sex drive. I guess that's not a bad thing though is it?
